Friday, March 28, 2008

The Most Important Meal of the Day

I've never been much of a breakfast person because I'd much rather get the extra sleep or take the time to straighten my hair, but this semester has really thrown me off. My class schedule is kind of all over the place and I tend to have class when I would normally have lunch, which forces me to eat lunch much later than I'm used to. A few days into the semester I realized I needed a much more filling breakfast than my usual chocolate caramel GOLEAN Crunchy bar fav!

Lately I've been loving my vanilla yogurt concoction -

-1 sliced banana
-1/2 cup Trader Joe's Organic non-fat French Vanilla Yogurt
-1/4 cup Kashi GOLEAN
-1 tablespoon sliced almonds
-1 tablespoon golden raisins

Eating a legit sit down breakfast is a new thing for me. What are some of your favorite quick and easy things to make for breakfast?

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